Parent Teacher Conference

Parent Teacher Conference


My daughter is starting to get distracted by Tik Tok makeup and nail polish. She has stopped caring about all other things especially school.

She wanders off in her head to places filled with pretty backpacks skirts and sandals.  On weekends she's consumed by adopt me her favorite Roblox game and Sniper Wolf her favorite YouTuber. I try not to discourager her, she lives in a land of bliss. There will be plenty of time for stress and worry. Plus I like the way she is who she is and she loves herself. I don’t want to break that. 

I wasn't really surprised that I was being called in for a parent teacher conference. I knew the time would come when she would amble off too far and my freestyle hippie parenting would be called into question. I prepared myself for the looks of disgust... and judgement.

I also prepared myself for the blank stare of the principal who
doesn’t know the first thing about parenting! She's one of those people who doesn’t have kids,but thinks she could raise your child better than you can.
I did a few pushups in case she got a little too fly and I had to punch her in the face. I’m kidding, well, kind of. All I mean is I was ready for whatever they had in store for me that day. Or so I thought.

The Teacher


I was under the impression my daughter was being taught by a middle aged pregnant white woman. I was confused when a young black man welcomed me into the room. He looked like every man I had ever dated. Apparently, I have a type. He was about 5’6. Short, but taller than me. Smooth brown skin. Low cut dark curly hair with a nice edge up and fresh tapered fade.

His lips were well-greased and, when parted revealed the most amazing smile. He wore glasses of course. A well-groomed, and well-dressed man. As you can probably tell I took my time reviewing all that this guy had to offer. I was grateful for the gift of sight that day and used it.


He introduced himself as Jade's NEW reading teacher Mr. Taylor, which explained why I had never seen him around the school. He let me know he was filling in for Mrs. Poloni while she was out on maternity leave, and let me know immediately that this meeting was not because Jade was doing anything wrong, it was only to discuss his expectations going forward.

After hearing that my parenting skills were not under review, I stopped listening. I got lost in his eyes. They were dark and mysterious. I stared into them and tried to read his mind. Can you see me Mr. Taylor, I thought as he went on and on about something and then another. 

As he spoke I thought of all the ways I could handle him in his classroom while the kids were at lunch. I considered rejoining the room parent rotation so that I could volunteer to do whatever he wanted whenever he needed me to. I planned all of the supremely inappropriate mom outfits I could wear the next time I visited the school.  

He had me in a trans. I snapped out of it when the principal came in to observe how he conducted parent meetings. Mr. Taylor made me forget how much she annoyed me. I even smiled at her. She just stared at me with that stupid look she always had in her eyes. I felt judged so I tried again to focus. 

I was so grateful that when he finished talking he didn’t ask me any questions to make sure I was paying attention because I was not! I was even more grateful when he passed me a handout outlining the things we had discussed. The handout had all of his contact information. School email, personal email, remind, and personal cell phone number, I had everything I needed.  

I walked out of that meeting with seduction on my mind. I got to the car closed the door and started it with every intention of getting all of Mr. Taylor’s undivided attention as soon as possible. I backed out of the parking space and as I pulled out of the lot, I was reminded of what my real life looked like. I am no temptress. I'm not even a single mom.

A text came in. I let the radio read it to me since I was driving. "New Text Message from My Hubby Jay Allfy... Hey baby, what time is baby girl's parent teacher conference today? Imma try to make it, be a united front like you always say."

I drove home in silence unsure of how this story would end.

To be continued.....

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